The AOA membership process is highly selective:
Phase One
- Step 1: AOA Members nominate candidates for the upcoming membership class. (Only Active, Senior-Active, or Emeritus AOA members can nominate a candidate.)
- July: Nominations open for AOA Membership, see membership criteria.
- September: Nominations close for AOA Membership.
- Step 2: Each nomination must be seconded by a letter of support from another Active, Senior-Active, or Emeritus AOA member.
Phase Two
- Step 3: Once both letters of nomination are received, the AOA will contact each candidate to complete an online profile and submit their CV.
- Step 4: Each November, the Membership Committee reviews both letters of support and the candidate’s profile. They then present a recommended slate of candidates to the Executive Committee for approval.
- Step 5: Each January-February, the slate of candidates is presented to the AOA Membership via the online Candidate Member Review process. AOA voting members are encouraged to participate, reviewing each candidate and providing written comments.
- Step 6: Each June, a final slate of candidates is presented to the voting membership for election at the AOA Annual Meeting. New members are notified of their acceptance into the AOA by early July.
Phase Three
- Step 7: The AOA announces the new membership class after newly accepted members have been notified.
- Step 8: Each June, new members are inducted at the AOA Annual Meeting the year following their election.