Cultivating the next generation.
Promote Leadership
The AOA’s Emerging Leaders Program impacts many people beyond the individuals directly involved: the young leader influences others within their institution, subspecialty, and community. As these Emerging Leaders achieve their potential, their association with the AOA burnishes the AOA’s own reputation within the musculoskeletal community—empowering the orthopaedic surgery community to better represent and advocate for their patients through their enhanced leadership skills.
Support the Emerging Leaders Program
The AOA’s Resident Leadership activities nurture tomorrow’s leaders by offering participating PGY4 residents their first comprehensive exposure to broader leadership concepts. Residents return to their institutions with a new-found understanding of these leadership concepts, which they take into their PGY5 year and chief administrative resident positions.
Support Resident Leadership Activities
Innovate Education
Enriching dynamic educators.
As home to a majority of orthopaedic educators, the AOA will set the stage for real and lasting impact in the education of orthopaedists—from medical school, to residency and fellowships, and to faculty development.
Support CORD & Academic Activities
AOA Traveling Fellowships provide high-impact experiences that develop leadership skills and networks through interactions with the world’s most prominent orthopaedic surgeons.
Advance the Future
Addressing critical issues.
The AOA provides training and leadership education, supplementing the clinical skills learned in orthopaedic education for the orthopaedic community. This leadership education is multi-dimensional: It includes leadership symposia on best practices, targeted leadership institute topics, regional leadership meetings and more intensive leadership skills development offerings, such as the current AOA | USC APEX Leadership Certificate Program, and past modules of AOA-Kellogg and AOA-Booth Leadership Immersion Series.
Support Leadership Development
For the last decade, the AOA has engaged the orthopaedic community to close the 82% osteoporosis treatment gap and deliver multidisciplinary care coordination for geriatric fracture patients. The AOA’s Own the Bone program provides simple, easy-to-use, cost-effective tools to enable hospitals, practice groups, and health plans to coordinate the bone healthcare of fragility fracture patients with flexibility to accommodate various practice settings/needs.
Support Own the Bone
(Unrestricted Support)
Orthopaedic leadership has always been at the core of the American Orthopaedic Association since its inception in 1887. AOA members—whether in private practice or academics—influence and often lead changes to advance the specialty. As the healthcare delivery landscape continues evolving, the AOA will work to bring together its members as they nurture future generations, explore critical topics and perspectives impacting the profession and the provision of musculoskeletal care.
Support Mission Critical Education