If you do not see an answer to your question, please e-mail membership@aoassn.org and a staff member will get back to you.
A. If you are at least 68 years of age, and have been a member for at least five years, you may be eligible to change your status to Senior-Active status.
If you are at least 72 years and have been a member for at least five years or are no longer active in the practice of orthopaedics, you may be eligible for Emeritus status.
Please be sure to also view the AOA status change policy as there are criteria based on the time of year request is reviewed.
A. The AOA Bylaws states that a member must attend at least one qualifying AOA program every three years for their first 10 years of membership. Non-compliance with this requirement will result in a relinquishment of membership.
Please Note: All new Active, Affiliate, and Associate members shall be required to attend the Business Meeting at the following year’s Annual Meeting where you will be formally introduced to the AOA Membership.
A. Nominations for AOA membership open in early July and close in early September. Click here to view the Membership Criteria. Click here to nominate one or more of your peers.
A.  The Online Candidate Review Process allows AOA members to review the list of candidates that have been submitted for consideration into membership. You can provide comments on any candidate for the Membership Committee’s review. All feedback provided is strictly confidential. The process opens in January and is available through early-February.
A. Nominations for both awards open in late October and close mid-December.
A. The AOA solicits interests from members each year for vacant positions. Open positions are announced in February annually.