The AOA’s Council of Orthopaedic Residency Directors (CORD) is happy to acknowledge current and prior AOA/CORD Coordinator of the Year Award Winners. Below are winners of the small and large programs, separated by the year they received the award, and highlights many of the accomplishments included in their CVs and featured in letters of recommendation. We thank all who nominated and congratulate these and all amazing Program Coordinators for their hard work and dedication.

Barbra Solares, C-TAGME, University of Arizona
- Provides incredibly important communication and interpersonal skills to help guide and nurture the residents through tough and challenging times.
- Understands the intricacies of the ACGME, ABOS, KSB, ERAS, New Innovations, AAOS and local GME office.
- Demonstrates superior organization skills.
- Worked to implement the ABOS Knowledge Skills Behavior pilot program.
- Was the selected presenter of the Annual Patsi Fur Coordinator Lecture and presented at the 2019 ARCOS Annual Meeting on, “How to Create a Professional Development Council at Your Institution.”
- Barbra exhibits a constant willingness to go above and beyond what is expected of her.

Channon Cordes Cole, Mayo Clinic
- Oversees the residency program (60 residents), fellowship programs (12 fellows), as well as coordinating directly with numerous fellowship program coordinators, administrative staff, and the graduate school.
- Built several programs central to the current curriculum.
- Has an exceptionally creative and strategic mind and processes that define her.
- Forms close, supportive, and effective relationships with residents.
- Manages the “compliance” expectations of the program.
- Former Chair of the Education Program Coordinator Leadership Council and current co-chair of the EPC Optimization Group.
- Channon’s unwavering dedication and tireless work ethic have significantly contributed to the program’s success.

Cindy Thompson, C-TAGME, West Virginia University
- Is an integral part of the program’s growth and development.
- As further testament to her abilities as an educator, several of her former assistants have become successful residency coordinators themselves due to her mentorship.
- Fierce supporter of residents and advocates for their wellness, constantly looking to make residency better.
- Is an expert in the numerous intricacies of program requirements and guides both residents and faculty through the logistics of residency with ease.
- Exemplifies dedication, competence, compassion, and professionalism.
- Served as TAGME Board member.
- President of ARCOS from 2013-2015.
- Cindy’s lifelong dedication in serving the men and women who have been resident at the program is unequaled.

Jennifer Duane, EdM, Harvard Combined Orthopaedic Residency Program
- Responsible for oversight of all aspects of five-year residency training program, comprised of 60 residents and over 140 faculty members across four academic medical centers.
- Maintains working knowledge of regulations and trends in GME.
- Set up systems to maintain complex residency program with consistent and predictable excellence.
- Recruited and trained a colleague, and together have made the residency program office a marvel of effectiveness.
- Nearly single-handedly designed an alumni association, including establishing a business plan and incorporating it, to make it a functioning nonprofit entity.
- Treasurer of ARCOS, 2018-2021.
- Jennifer is competent and compassionate, all at the same time.

Laurel Lewis, C-TAGME, Wellspan York Hospital
- Coordinator for Residency Program and Hand and Trauma fellowship programs.
- Assisted with the program’s initial and successful accreditation by American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
- Successfully managed AOA, AOAO, and ACGME language and requirements during a time of accreditation transition.
- Continued input and efforts resulted in a 500-page application/ADS document and subsequent site visit for continued accreditation.
- She epitomizes a coordinator that any program would be lucky to have.
- Manages residents travel outside the state on two separate rotations, arranging for everything from applying for medical training licenses to housing.
- Member of ARCOS since 2015.
- Laurel pours her whole heart and soul into the residency.

Vicky Norton, C-TAGME, University of Maryland
- Works tirelessly to ensure the program runs smoothly and has implemented multiple improvements while remaining completely dedicated to education.
- Manages 31 residents and is always ahead of the curve and fixes issues before residents know they exist.
- The program has rotations at 11 different hospitals in 5 different medical systems, and she seamlessly orchestrates the paperwork and ensures residents are in compliance with hospital requirements while meeting all ACGME requirements.
- Served as Surgical Review Board Chair and Treasurer for TAGME.
- Serves with the ACGME Advisory Group.
- President of ARCOS from 2015-2017.
- Vicky routinely goes above and beyond her role as residency coordinator to support the academic mission of the entire department.

Kim Reising, University of Cincinnati
- Spearheaded the Residency Program Department for two decades, providing stability through changes in program directors.
- Mastered institutional GME procedures and national ACGME rules and regulations.
- Helped establish Sports Medicine and Trauma fellowship programs.
- Advocates relentlessly on behalf of residents and attendings, supporting both at a hospital-wide level.
- Helped develop an orthopedic surgery business curriculum in conjunction with AOC, serving as an Educational Advisor.
- Is happy standing in the background while faculty and others are praised, despite organizing the entire event–from food to certificates.
- President of ARCOS, 2019-2022.
- Kim is not only the face of the program, but the engine that drives it.

Julia Panzo, Ohio State University
- Program Coordinator for the Orthopaedic Residency Program, Podiatry Residency Program, and the Fellowship Coordinator for the Department of Orthopaedics, assisting with five fellowship subspecialties.
- Organizes all Residency Review Committee and all Fellowship application and site visits.
- Oversaw the implementation of a completely revised resident education curriculum.
- Has become a grant writer to provide funding for educational support and experiences.
- President of ARCOS, 2017-2019.
- Julia is a steady influence and guiding hand, providing leadership for continued growth into an outstanding example of what residency education should be.