Updated August 25, 2022
AOA/CORD Recommended Guidelines for Residency Applications
The Educational and Clinical Impacts of COVID-19 on Orthopaedic Training Programs
This session was presented during the 2020 Virtual Spring CORD Conference on March 27, 2020, and includes vital information for all residents, fellows, program directors, and educators. Included are:
- A pdf copy of the COVID-19 slides
- PowerPoint slide deck that includes the 70-minute session video. This slide deck is designed to be used by faculty in various settings:
- Grand rounds
- Subspecialty conferences
- Sharing with your institutional GME offices in other surgical specialties
To use the slide deck, download, save to your computer, and run the Ppt slide show. On the 4th slide, when you click on the Play arrow on the video player, the video will increase to full-screen.
2020 Spring CORD Conference: Challenges in Accreditation
For anyone who did not register for the Conference, a pdf copy of the slides and access to the webinar recording are available for purchase on the AOA Store.