2024-2025 Slate Nominations

Each year, AOA Members submit nominations for several AOA offices and committee positions. This year, AOA Members are asked to nominate candidates for the offices of:

  • Second President-Elect
  • Secretary-Elect
  • Delegate-At-Large
    Criteria: no age or tenure restriction
  • Member Position on the Membership Committee (succeeds to Chair in year 5)
  • 6 nominees, elected by the AOA, to be considered by the ABOS for a 10-year term on the ABOS Board of Directors

Letters of Recommendation are welcome but not required.

Slate Nominations are now open.

Nominate Today

All nominations must be received by 11:59pm CST on January 3rd, 2025.

Position Responsibilities

The Second President-Elect will succeed to the office of First President-Elect at the close of the Executive Session of the Annual Meeting following the meeting at which he or she was elected. He or she will serve on the Executive Committee for a 5- year term, succeeding to the position of President in year 3 and serving two years as Past President. In the absence or incapacity of the First President-Elect, the Second President-Elect will perform the duties of the First President-Elect and, when acting in this capacity, will have the powers and restrictions of the First President-Elect as the interim First President-Elect. The Second President-Elect shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him or her by the President or the Executive Committee of the Association.

The Secretary-Elect shall be elected one year prior to the termination of the incumbent Secretary’s term. The Secretary-Elect shall assist the Secretary and be a member of the Executive Committee and Officers group. 

The Secretary-Elect shall assist the Secretary in overseeing and reporting on certain membership issues and shall serve a one-year term succeeding to the role of Secretary for a three-year term.  

Criteria for the Delegate-At-Large position is any Active member who has been in the Association less than 7 years at the time of election. This criteria only applies in even numbered years. There is no tenure restriction for Delegate-At-Large nominees in odd numbered years.

The Delegate-At-Large serves on the Executive Committee for a 2-year term. In addition, the Delegate-At-Large serves on the Membership Committee and Finance Committee (for terms concurrent with his/her board term). The Delegate-At-Large represents the interests of the AOA membership at large and functions as a full voting member of the committees on which he/she serves.

The member elected to this position will serve on the Membership Committee for a 6-year term, succeeding to Chair in year 5 and serving one year as Past Chair. The Membership Committee Chair serves on the Executive Committee concurrent with his or her term as Chair.

The responsibilities of the Membership Committee include:

  • Assuming full responsibility for membership issues in the AOA.
  • Reviewing and analyzing current membership grading criteria to see if it appropriately evaluates private practice leaders.
  • Reviewing membership categories, definition/criteria and recommending changes/clarification if necessary.
  • Soliciting nominations of qualified individuals for Active, Associate, Affiliate, Honorary, or Corresponding Members from Active or Senior Members.
  • Considering the acceptability of all candidates and make recommendation to the Executive Committee.
  • Presenting the names of candidates approved by the Executive Committee for Active, Associate, Affiliate, Honorary and Corresponding Membership at the Executive Session of the Annual Meeting.
  • Reviewing and modifying as indicated and adopting for use the rating method recommended by the Strategic Planning Conference and adhering to the philosophy of weighting equally among teaching, research, and leadership.
  • Assessing and validating the process and membership recommendations.
  • Developing a proactive review list to assure worthy candidates are not being overlooked in current nomination process. Annually assess the candidate’s qualification in each of the domains.

Frequently Asked Questions

Important criteria for all roles is:

  • leadership experience
  • prior experience/engagement with AOA programs
  • ability to devote the time necessary for success in moving the AOA’s leadership mission forward.

While there is no “ideal” candidate, important criteria for all roles is leadership experience, prior experience/engagement with AOA programs, and ability to devote the time necessary for success in moving the AOA’s leadership mission forward.

Yes. AOA members may nominate themselves following the same procedures they would use to nominate someone else.

The AOA Nominating Committee, chaired by Second Past President Serena Hu, MD, FAOA, will then vet all nominees and nominate a Slate of candidates on which AOA membership will vote at the AOA Business Meeting during the AOA Annual Leadership Meeting in St. Louis, MO in June 2024. Elected candidates will take office at the close of the Executive Session of the Annual Meeting following the meeting at which he or she was elected.